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IC socket modeling

To connect a packaged IC without soldering an IC socket can be used. In IC test engineering these sockets are mounted on a loadboard which contains further circuitry and (RF) connectors. As IC packages and pinning are often asic designs no accurate general electrical models exists for them.

The kind of (pogo) pin used, the number of pins, the plastic and its shape, and especially the arrangement of the pins determine the electrical behavior of a socket. These variables each have an impact and therfore it is practically impossible to define a general socket model. For accurate results best practice is to make a 3D model of the socket and the pins and simulate the s-parameters. From these s-parameters a LCR model can be fitted.


Example of an IC socket model Example of a IC socket model

Socket mounted on a PCB with connectors Example model mounted on a PCB


JTL Engineering has experience with several IC sockets and can help you in their (RF) definition and the modeling of their electrical behaviour. If you want help send us an email.